how it

Sobar Sessions was born from Isadore's vision to create a revolutionary space for health and wellness enthusiasts to enjoy life without the influence of alcohol. Driven by her personal passion for holistic well-being and a desire to challenge the conventional norms of social gatherings, Isadore set out to craft experiences that are both fun and fulfilling.

The idea took root during a pivotal moment in Isadore's life. She noticed a growing trend among her peers who were seeking healthier lifestyle choices but struggled to find social activities that didn't revolve around drinking. Seeing this gap, she envisioned a new kind of social experience—one that embraced the joys of life while promoting physical, mental, and emotional health.

Founder of Sobar Sessions


Through Sobar Sessions, Isadore has created more than just events; she has fostered a community united by the desire to live well and celebrate life to the fullest.

Her forward-thinking mindset and relentless pursuit of excellence ensure that Sobar Sessions will continue to set the standard for innovative, wellness-focused experiences.

A woman with a mission